IPPE collaborates with external organisations — industry, government, not-for-profit, and community. Our world-class researchers have a wealth of knowledge and research expertise and can tailor approaches and solutions to meet your organisation’s needs. 

We have a track record of successful, collaborative, research experience and have developed strong, long-term relationships with our partners. We are proud of our research achievements and the positive impacts of our research.

Contract Research

We provide research services to external organisations, both for small and large-scale projects. We have national and international experience and welcome the opportunity to work with new partners.

Philanthropic and Other Research

IPPE is supportive of submissions to other non-government funding agencies to fund pilot and other smaller research projects.

Research Partnerships

IPPE has successful experience applying for competitive funding for collaborative research and can facilitate the process of working with a university. Two of the best known funding schemes, which we can access to leverage Australian government research funding support, are:

The ARC Linkage Projects Scheme provides funding for research collaborations between university researchers and industry, not-for-profits, government, and community organisations. This scheme does not cover medical and dental research.

Projects may be of two to three years’ duration, and funding of between $50,000 and $300,000 per year may be applied for.

Partners are usually required to make an in-kind and a cash contribution to the project which, combined, at least matches the funding sought from the ARC. Partners must also participate actively on aspects of the project.

Applications usually close in November of each year, with funding made available from the start of the following financial year.

The NHMRC Partnerships Projects Scheme provides funding for university researchers and policy-makers, service providers, clinicians, and managers to work together to collaborate on research in areas which affect Australian’s health and healthcare and to integrate the research evidence into health policy and service delivery.

Organisations who may partner on the scheme include government organisations working in areas that affect health (eg education, urban planning), private sector organisations (eg private health insurance providers or private hospitals), not-for-profit, and community organisations.

Applications which focus on services and programs for Indigenous health are encouraged.

Projects may be of up to five years’ duration and the maximum amount of funding that may be requested for a single application is $1.5 million.

Partner organisations must make a combined total contribution (in cash and/or in-kind) that is of at least the same value as the funds sought from the NHMRC.

There is a continuous application process, with up to three rounds per year. Typically, as each round closes, the next round opens. Grants awards are announced throughout the year.

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Level 9 and 10, 33 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

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PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059