The Institute for Positive Psychology & Education (IPPE) is hosting the ninth SELF Biennial International Conference at the Melbourne Campus in September 2017.

The conference will explore the theme: 'SELF – from positive psychology/education to practice' and runs from 25 to 28 September.

After eight successful conferences, SELF2017 promises to be the best yet – the ideal combination of a small, boutique conference for like-minded scholars with the drawing power to attract top international researchers.

As always, a highlight will be the incredible keynote speakers – Roy Baumeister, Stuart Biddle, Ed Deci, John Hattie, Michael Hogg, Timothy Judge, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Reinhard Pekrun & Michael Wehmeyer – and meeting with and learning from leading international researchers in our field.

The SELF2017 theme, ‘SELF – from positive psychology/education to practice’, will explore the synergy between scientific researchers and practitioners. In addition to scientific papers, posters and keynotes, there will be a hands-on, practical stream that will show you how to conduct evidence-based interventions.

SELF2017 will include an invited symposium on Indigenous Thriving, led by the new Australian Centre of Indigenous Thriving (ACIT) that is housed within IPPE. Even more than previous SELF conferences, there will also be more opportunities for early-career researchers to meet each other in a 'fireside chat' and for social networking among all participants. 

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