To support the Graduation Statement, the AHEGS website provides the following information:
- Grading Schemas (2003-current)
- Admission Requirements and Course Rules
What are AHEGS?
The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) is provided by Australian higher education institutions to students graduating from an eligible AQF accredited course. It provides a description of the nature, level, context and status of studies that were pursued by the individual named. Its purpose is to assist in both national and international recognition of Australian qualifications and to promote international mobility and professional recognition of graduates. The Graduation Statement should be used to complement your academic transcript, since it provides additional information about the course from which you are graduating. If you have credit for prior studies, details of those prior studies (including the results gained in them) are not shown on your AHEGS, but will be captured on the transcript for the study on the basis of which the credit was granted.
The Graduation Statement will be issued for the first time to Australian Catholic University students who complete the requirements for their award at the end of semester 1 2009 (at the Spring graduation ceremony, 2009). Graduation Statements are not available to students who completed their course prior to the end of semester 1 2009.