This project will examine how international forms of evidence and expertise, and emergent private policy networks, are reshaping teacher knowledge, learning and practice in Australia and the United States. It will focus on new modes and providers of personalised online professional learning and how these are challenging existing notions of professional development and credentialling. Specifically, it will address emergent forms of digital governance via data infrastructures and software platforms; data-driven modes of educational accountability; the education policy work of the OECD and other ‘non-state’ actors; and how these developments collectively shape the understanding and practice of education, at the teacher-, school- and schooling system-levels.
Through interviews, internet and social media searches, and document analysis, the project will generate deep insights into the changing nature of evidence-informed solutions in education. It will also create powerful opportunities for teachers and policymakers to learn how to use professional learning and evidence to meaningfully influence local schooling practices and outcomes.
Australian Research Council, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DE190101141)
Chief Investigator
Dr Steven Lewis