Factors that impact on long term achievement and retention for students with autism spectrum disorder in Queensland government schools: Evidence from administrative data.

Chief Investigators

Professor Michele Haynes
Hon Professor Joy Cumming *
Dr Melanie Spallek
Dr YoonSuk Hwang *

* Formerly ILSTE, ACU


This project will utilise longitudinal administrative data to profile the trajectories of academic achievement for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It aligns with the Department of Education’s strategy to ensure that all students with a disability reach their potential. Specifically, it aims to:

(1) identify distinct groups with different academic achievement trajectories for two cohorts of children with ASD: Year 1 cohorts enrolled in 2010and 2013;

(2) determine associations of individual and school level factors, including location (major city, regional, rural/remote), with the different groups of achievement trajectories;

(3) determine differences in profiles between the two cohorts and association with policy change. The findings will provide evidence on which groups of children have achieved well and other groups that have experienced decline and when, with the potential to inform policy decisions on the allocation of resources for support where it is most needed.

Funding $84,540 from an education Horizon Grant

Duration 1 July 2019 – 30 April 2021

Research Status


Research Partners

Vicky Booth, Director Autism Hub, Queensland Department of Education.

ILSTE Research team members

Professor Michele Haynes
Dr Melanie Spallek
Ms Karen Kusuma


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1100 Nudgee Road Banyo, QLD 4014
Brisbane Campus

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