
This project will investigate male-dominated far right groups in Australia by looking at their intellectual underpinnings. The sociological focus is on how core ideas inflect tropes of masculinity and the phenomena of weak citizenship. This moves beyond a simple stereotype of angry, disenfranchised young men; to grasp the radical right-wing thinking that motivates them, and informs their hate rhetoric and actions. Using multi-methods, we will explore attitudes, and use of transnational far right ideas to 'imagine' Australia. The project will generate new knowledge of how bonds of citizenship have weakened amongst men who define themselves at the margins; yielding insights into how masculinity is actively utilised as a recruitment mechanism.

This project will explore why men in Australia are drawn to far right movements in increasing numbers. These movements, usually male-dominated, often adopt ideas and rhetoric from international sources. They take actions that arguably place them at odds with Australian values including: autonomy and dignity of the individual, freedom of religion, commitment to rule of law, democracy and gender equality. Furthermore, these groups consciously stand in contrast to longstanding Australian values of mutual respect and tolerance. The Federal Government Department of Home Affairs (2019) defines Australian citizenship as: a shared identity, a common bond which unites all Australians while respecting their diversity. Any threat to that ideal poses a serious risk to our democracy and the rule of law. This project addresses that core concern, which is aired daily in the popular press and on social media. The findings will provide some answers to the question of why some men are strongly drawn to joining or supporting far right groups.


  • Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP200102013), $327,521



Research investigators

  • Professor Bryan Turner, ACU
  • Professor Pamela Nilan, University of Newcastle
  • Dr Joshua Roose, Deakin University
  • Dr Mario Peucker, Victoria University

Research Status


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