Course Justice and Change in a Global World (UNCC300)
Course dates 6 – 17 July 2020
Campus North Sydney
Form(s) of teaching Experiential teaching and learning, guest speakers and community engagement
Form(s) of assessment Presentation and assignments, personal reflection
ACU credit points 10cp - equivalent to 3-4 US credit hours or 7.5 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
Contact hours 25 - 36 hours (Class and outbound fieldwork)

Who should join this course?

This unit will be of particular interest to students whose future careers will require them to interact with people who may be vulnerable or whose dignity may be challenged by the circumstances of their lives. Students of Nursing, Paramedicine, Law, Teaching, Social Work, Psychology and International Development among others should consider enrolling in this unit.

Course content

Universal fraternity and aspirations for the common good begin with a basic recognition that we need one another. In this unit you will develop your understanding of the dignity of the human person within the context of a global community. You will develop skills that will assist the cooperative efforts of government, business, faith groups, and not-for-profit agencies to achieve a more just and equitable world. On completion of this unit you will have acquired the skills and knowledge to become an active agent for change in an interconnected and interdependent world. Topics will include:
  • Frameworks for Human Dignity
  • Historical examples where human dignity was absent or violated
  • Human dignity in contemporary society
  • Case studies
  • Defining advocacy
  • How does one achieve advocacy in a professional context?
  • Community engagement principles
  • Models of community engagement
  • Community engagement - global organisations
  • Working for change and the common good

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