In line with the School’s mission, we are committed to providing students with global opportunities to enhance their skills. Students of the Peter Faber Business School will gain valuable practical experience when they visit Europe on one of the School’s regular intensive study tours.

Study in Italy

The School offers two units which are taught concurrently over two weeks. You will study with ACU teaching staff, stay on our Rome Campus with other students, and participate in cultural tours and visits.

This opportunity will be available every Winter and Summer period.*

*minimum number of enrolments are required for a tour to run

Before travelling to Rome, the Peter Faber Business School will hold pre-departure seminars to brief participants on the study tour.

Geoff Fabila
Our students are able to experience unique international opportunities. For Bachelor of Commerce student, Geoff Fabila, this included the opportunity to perform a duet with Australian Ambassador to Italy (2016 – July 2020), Dr Greg French. Geoff was subsequently invited back to Rome personally by Greg to give another performance after the tour had ended.
Geoff Fabila
Bachelor of Commerce

Peter Faber Business School Rome Tour

Register your interest now

International study opportunities with the Peter Faber Business School - Rome two units of credit (20 credit points)

Two units of credit

Learn more about these international study opportunities with the Peter Faber Business School - Rome (20 credit points total).

Credit Points: 10

Prerequisites: Completion of 80 credit points BUSN113 (or MGMT100)

This capstone unit focuses on the relationship between diversity and conflict and the positive outcomes associated with their effective management. Key theories and concepts of these areas are explored as they relate to both the workplace and wider society. Topics covered include types of diversity, valuing diversity, the nature of conflict and the principles, strategies and benefits associated with their effective management. The unit aims to develop knowledge and awareness of how the appropriate management of conflict and the adoption of exemplary diversity management practices act as a form of corporate social responsibility in an increasingly globalised world.

Credit Points: 10

Prerequisites: Completion of UNCC100

This unit provides you with a business focused understanding of community engagement and its importance in serving poor, vulnerable and marginalised groups.

In this unit you will develop critical employment skills that you will hone in the context of working for a social enterprises, community groups or not for profits. These skills will include organisation, team work, establishing a service mindset, self-development and initiative. This unit reinforces our Core Curriculum by enabling you to volunteer in the community in a three-way partnership between yourself, ACU, and participating organisations.

ACU study business overseas
Rome, July 2019: Business Cohort
Students from the Business school enjoying a wonderful Summer in Rome. The cohort spent two weeks undertaking their classes on our Rome campus as well as experiencing many cultural visits such as a weekend trip to Florence, a treasure hunt around the city and an evening at the open air Opera.

The Rome Campus

Your Rome accommodation is located on campus in Janiculum Hill, near the trendy Trastevere district and just 2km from Vatican City. This area is one of the oldest in Rome and the campus was included in the third-century walls that surrounded the old city.

Now, our campus is bright and modern with all the facilities you’ll need for your stay. The sprawling site has plenty of gardens to relax in and terraces that offer views over the city.

View our Rome campus

What you need to know:

The study tour is conducted over two weeks and the program fee is currently estimated to be AUD $2,300 .

The program fee covers:

  • 13 nights shared accommodation at the Rome Campus
  • Regional meal plan (breakfast, lunch and dinner from Monday to Friday)
  • Industry guest speakers
  • Embassy visitsSt Peter’s Mass
  • Historical and cultural site visits
  • Engagement with local communities and charities
  • Local experiences and activities which may include open night opera and movie nights with other students

The program fee does not include the return airfare to Italy.

To confirm your place in this exciting program, a non-refundable deposit of $200 must be made. Payment options and due date to be confirmed.

 * Prices are subject to international exchange rates and may fluctuate.

For any further queries email:

We look forward to welcoming you to our Rome Campus as you undertake your undergraduate studies with ACU.

Day 1 – Arrive Rome

Welcome to Italy!

  • check into centre by 3pm
  • welcome tour of campus and mass
  • hit the streets for your first dinner and get to know your fellow students

Day 2 – Day 6 – Weekday Activities

  • all meals will usually be had on campus during the week
  • the day will be sectioned into Workshops for your respective units mixed in with organised trips or personal time (study or recreational as advised)

Day 7 – 8 – Weekend Activities

  • a time for you to explore Rome solo or with your new friends
  • meals are not usually taken on campus and dinner is not available, a perfect chance for you to taste what the city has to offer!
  • in the past, weekend trips such as Florence have been organised for those who are interested
  • be back on campus by 6 pm on the Sunday

Day 9 – 13 – Final Week

  • Your final week of weekday activities as listed above
  • A farewell mass and dinner will be organised on day 13
  • Day 13: please ensure your rooms are cleaned and you are organised for your departure the following day

Day 14 – Depart Rome

That’s a wrap! Your Italian study experience has officially come to a close.

All students will need to leave the campus by 9 am on the day.  

For any further queries email:

We look forward to welcoming you to our Rome Campus as you undertake your undergraduate studies with ACU.

Travel to and from Italy is to be organised at the discretion of the student to allow them the independence to make their own travel plans suit their needs.

It is important to remember there are two airports in Rome, so check where you’re landing.

Taxi is the faster way to get to our Rome campus but buses and trains are more affordable.

For any further queries email:

We look forward to welcoming you to our Rome Campus as you undertake your undergraduate studies with ACU.

Program participants are usually eligible to receive the Vice-Chancellor and President’s Travel Grant of AUD$500 to assist with the cost of your economy airfare. (Please note: you can only apply for one Vice-Chancellor and President’s grant throughout your course).

Eligible students may also apply for an OS-Help Loan to support the cost of travel and incidentals. A list of funding options is available on our study overseas website. Visit Student Portal (login required)

For any further queries email:

We look forward to welcoming you to our Rome Campus as you undertake your undergraduate studies with ACU.

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