• You can apply for this course directly via ACU.
  • Applications for this course open in August and close in November.
  • You must submit your application and all supporting documentation before the closing date. If you have not competed your studies by the closing date, upload your most recent academic transcript to be assessed.
  • If successful, you'll receive your offer in November. You will have 14 days to finalise your enrolment in the course.
  • The course commences mid-January 2025.

The following information is to assist you in submitting your application.

Personal video statement

In line with the ACU Mission, we aim to enrol students to the Master of Dietetic Practice from a diverse community, who bring a concern for justice and equity to their approach to dietetic practice.

To assist ACU in selecting the best candidates for this course, applicants are invited to submit a personal video statement of 3 minutes or less, answering the following questions:

  1. Why do you want to study the Master of Dietetic Practice at ACU? What are the most important skills and knowledge you developed during your undergraduate studies to allow you to succeed in studying the MDP at ACU?
  2. What experience and skills do you have related to study the MDP at ACU? Have you completed any additional study that would support your study or practice as a dietitian?
  3. Do you have any study/work/life experiences with people who are different to you? Do you have any relevant work experience that has developed your people and communication skills?
  4. In what area of dietetics would you like to work and why? What do you believe are the greatest food and nutrition challenges that you would like to tackle in your career as a dietitian?

How to submit your personal video statement

ACU suggests uploading your video statement privately onto YouTube, but you may use any other video hosting platform if you prefer as long as a login is not required. Then, submit it via a word document that contains a weblink (URL) and password (if any) to your personal video statement via the ACU applicant portal.

What are we looking for in our candidates?

Your personal video statement should aim to demonstrate:

  • Your commitment to lifelong learning which is a fundamental value of the dietetics profession, including explanations of careers goals a pre-existing interest in the dietetics profession.
  • An understanding of the key skills, knowledge & attributes relevant to successful participation and completion of the course.
  • Professional communication skills.

Did you complete the Bachelor of Nutrition Science at ACU?

If you completed the Bachelor of Nutrition Science at ACU, you do not need to provide a copy of your transcript as we can access your student record.

Your application will be assessed under the following criteria as you will not have had an opportunity to complete NUTR404 Advanced Culinary Nutrition Science and NUTR405 Foods for Special Diets (available from 2022 onwards):

A bachelor degree in nutrition (or equivalent) which includes the equivalent of one full-time half year of study (four study units or equivalent) in:

  1. chemistry followed by biochemistry; and
  2. human biology and human physiology; and
  3. food and human nutrition science, which must include foundation nutrition, nutrition through the lifespan, food science, and the role of diet in the development and management of chronic disease

AND one of the following:

  • a grade point average (GPA) of at least 5 on the ACU 7-point scale; or
  • evidence of relevant industry experience for at least one-year post-bachelor graduation.

Industry experience

In addition to your academic qualifications, if your bachelor GPA is less than 5 you must submit details outlining relevant industry experience.

ACU are looking for at least one year of industry experience POST completion of your bachelor's degree in the following professional roles (the list is not exhaustive and is provided as a guide only):

  • nutrition scientist
  • food scientist
  • food product developer
  • allied health assistant
  • health promotion officer
  • research assistant (within the health sciences)
  • project officer (food, nutrition, or health related).

Industry experience gained from practicum placements during your studies will not be accepted.

Submit specific details of relevant post-graduation work experience in your application.

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