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An investigation of hamstring strain injuries in Australian Rules Football

Hamstring strain injuries are the most prevalent injury in the AFL. There is common consensus that strengthening the hamstrings should make them more robust and reduce the likelihood of an injury occurring. High performance programs in elite sport tend to utilise a holistic approach by incorporating several exercises aimed at improving lower limb strength in general, rather than a single exercise for the purpose of reducing injury risk. However why do these injuries still have the highest incidence within the AFL, despite all the preventative evidence that exists? This program of research will investigate the current practices for hamstring strain injury prevention and rehabilitation and the effectiveness of these interventions on reducing the incidence of injury.

Student: Mr Ray Breed

Supervisors: Prof David Opar, Assoc. Prof Ryan Timmins, Dr Jack Hickey

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An investigation of hamstring musculotendinous structure and adaptation and region-specific tissue strain using computational modelling

This program of research will aim to investigate how the inherent variation of the biceps femoris long head structure and geometry may influence region specific strain during high-speed running and common hamstring exercises. This project will also aim to assess how the biceps femoris long head musculotendinous structure, particularly the aponeuroses, adapt in response to injury, chronic mechanical loading, and de-loading as well as how these variables may influence sprinting biomechanics.

Student: Mr Scott Hulm

Supervisors: Prof David Opar, Dr Jack Hickey, Dr Nirav Maniar and Assoc. Prof Ryan Timmins

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What is the impact hamstring strain injury recovery and rehabilitation and neurophysiological measures of activation?

Description: Current evidence suggests that neurological maladaptation's occur as a result of hamstring strain injury. This project will ultilise transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to attempt to address these maladaptation's during the rehabilitation process.

Student: Mr Connor Lee Dow

Supervisors: Prof David Opar, Dr Paul Tofari, Assoc. Prof Ryan Timmins

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Biceps femoris morphology and mechanics: Implications for training and injury

Hamstring strain injuries (HSI) are a leading cause of athlete time loss in many sports, with injury typically occurring in the biceps femoris muscle. Recent investigations show lower limb stiffness to be correlated with HSI, though stiffness specifically of the biceps femoris remains under investigated. Additionally, computer simulations show that the magnitude of muscle strain is moderated by biceps femoris morphology, however in vivo research is sparce. My programme of research aims to fill these gaps by detailing whether biceps femoris stiffness and morphology contributes to HSI risk, and whether these parameters are modifiable through training.

Student: Mr Alexander Grant

Supervisors: Prof David Opar, Dr Paul Tofari, Assoc. Prof Ryan Timmins

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Can nutritional supplementation amplify the molecular pathways for building muscle following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury?

Australia has one of the highest incidences of ACL reconstructions in the world. ACL injuries are frequently associated with atrophy of the quadriceps muscles that persists beyond, and in spite of, rehabilitation. Quadricep strength is important for many activities of daily life, with persistent weakness of these muscles following ACL injury contributing to poor function and resulting in deficits in performance, immobility and reduced quality of life.

This program of research will investigate the molecular pathway(s) underlying muscle deficits with previous ACL injury and the potential restorative effects of nutritional supplementation.

Student: Miriam Smith

Supervisors: Prof David Opar, Dr Nolan Hoffman, Prof Louise Burke OAM (MMIHR)

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To examine the effects of fatigue on the hamstring muscle group following sprinting by analysing strength, biomechanics and muscle activation changes

Hamstring injuries continue to be a frequent injury in sports that require high-speed running or sprinting. Re-injuries are also quite common. This project aims to synthesise the effects of running based fatigue on the hamstrings and also to study the effects of hamstring fatigue on running biomechanics in athletes with and without history of previous hamstring injury. The goal will be to develop and identify methods of monitoring fatigue of the hamstrings which may help to reduce the risk of injury.

Student: Matthew Anthis

Supervisors: Prof David Opar, Assoc. Prof Ryan Timmins, Dr Jack Hickey, Dr Mark Moresi

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Postpartum Musculoskeletal Health and Exercise

The thesis consists of three crucial experiments aimed at understanding and enhancing the health and well-being of postpartum women, rehabilitating musculoskeletal injuries, and aiding in their safe return to exercise. The first study involves a systematic review and meta-analysis which will review the effect of lumbopelvic-hip complex strengthening exercises on pelvic floor function and strength in postpartum women. The second study, a longitudinal cohort investigation called the Queensland Family Cohort (QFC) pilot study, spans from 24 weeks gestation to 6 weeks postpartum and will examine physical activity during pregnancy and its impact on musculoskeletal health, with a primary goal of understanding the link between trimester-specific physical activity levels and musculoskeletal health. The final experiment, referred to as POSTFIT, is a two-part study, the first part aims to develop a battery of tests to assess musculoskeletal health and functional strength before postpartum women resume exercise. The second part involves implementing a 12-week postpartum exercise program aimed at reducing long-term negative health outcomes associated with common postpartum musculoskeletal injuries such as pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal separation, and back pain. 

Student: Samantha Walsh

Supervisors: Dr Kassia Beetham, Dr Angelica Thompson-Butel, Dr Jemima Spathis.

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