Meet our researchers, professional staff and adjunct research associates at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education (IPPE), as well as current and past HDR students.

At IPPE, we pride ourselves on the calibre of our internationally recognised researchers who are backed by a talented professional team and adjunct research associates.

We have worked collaboratively to achieve synergistic blends of rigorous quantitative, qualitative, and applied research. As a result, we have delivered important contributions to international research.

Collectively, the IPPE research team has been awarded over 70 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants (including ARC Future Fellowship and DECRAs).

IPPE Staff have also won the annual ACU Vice-Chancellor's Staff Excellence Award (Excellence in Research and Research Partnership) for two years running (2021, 2022).

Our Executive Team

Director of IPPE

Professor Rhonda Craven

Deputy Director of IPPE

Associate Professor Theresa Dicke (Acting Deputy Director)

Our staff

Browse our researchers, staff, students and graduates, and find out how to get in touch.

Professor Rhonda Craven – Director of IPPE  

Professor Philip Parker – Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Educational and Developmental Psychology (EDP)

Associate Professor Theresa Dicke – Program Leader EDP and Acting Deputy Director

Associate Professor Baljinder Sahdra – Deputy Program Leader EDP

Professor Herb Marsh - Professor

Professor Joseph Ciarrochi - Professor

Professor Reinhard Pekrun – Professorial Fellow 

Associate Professor Jiesi Guo – Senior Research Fellow and HDR Program Leader

Dr Geetanjali Basarkod – Research Fellow

Dr Chloe Gordon – Research Fellow

Dr Ryan Wu - Research Fellow

Indigenous Game Changers (IGC)

Professor Alexander Yeung – Emeritus Professor

Motivation and Behaviour (M&B)

Professor Chris Lonsdale – Interim ACU Deputy Provost and Program Leader M&B

Dr Taren Sanders – Acting Program Leader M&B

Professor Richard M Ryan – Professorial Fellow 

Professor Johnmarshall Reeve – Professor

Dr Hye-Ryen Jang – Lecturer

Dr Emma Bradshaw – Research Fellow

Dr Stefano Di Domenico – Postdoctoral Research Fellow 

Visiting Scholars

  • Professor Felicia Huppert

  • Professor Katariina Salmelo-Aro, University of Helsinki

  • Professor Bill Thompson, Bond University (ACU Adjunct Professor)

  • Professor Ghil'ad Zuckermann, Adelaide University (ACU Adjunct Professor)

  • Professor Mei-Shiu Chiu, National Chengchi University

  • Associate Professor Ingar Mehus, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Associate Professor Lan (Joy) Yang, Education University of Hong Kong

  • Associate Professor Nikki Shure, University College London Social Research Institute

  • Associate Professor Sam Liu, University of Victoria British Columbia 

  • Dr Hanne Berthelsen, Malmö University

  • Dr Marcus Horwood, Deakin University

  • Dr Hye-Rin Lee, University of Delaware

  • Dr Joachim Waterschoot, Ghent University

  • Dr Kristina Loderer, University of Augsburg

  • Dr Liisa Postareff, Hame University of Applied Sciences

  • Dr Christoph Niepel, University of Luxembourg

  • Dr Borja del Pozo-Cruz, University of Southern Denmark

  • Dr Roberto Parada, Western Sydney University

  • Dr Ziwen Teuber, University of Luxembourg

  • Dr Zhijun Xu


Administrative staff (Central Team)

  • Dr Ricky Chan – Institute Coordinator
  • Karen Ling - Senior Administrative Officer
  • Dr Diego Vasconcellos – Senior Data Analyst

Educational and Developmental Psychology EDP

  • Dr HeeRa Ko – Research Program Operations Manager
  • Dr Tom Clarke - Project Officer
  • Nicholas Graziani - Project Officer
  • Alison Jardine - Project Officer
  • Emma Stenz - Project Officer
  • Nouman Chaudhary - Project Officer

Indigenous Game Changers IGC 

  • Dr Alicia Egan – Research Program Manager
  • Dr Jenny McMullan - Research Program Manager
  • Hasret Mehmedali - Research Project Coordinator
  • Bronte Powell - Project Officer

Motivation and Behaviour (M&B) 

  • Kirsty Bergan – Research Project Coordinator
  • Dr Jasper Duineveld – Research Technical Support Officer
  • Ben Steward - Project Officer
  • Zoe Carrick - Project Officer
  • Bridget Booker – Research Assistant
  • Ella Tremaine – Research Assistant
  • Roberta Vasconcellos – Research Assistant

IPPE Indigenous Internship Program

  • Violet Craven-Miller (2022-2023)
  • Hayley Creed (2022-2023)
  • Emily Jeffrey (2022)
  • Sharon Morton (2023)
  • Amy Miller-Porter (2022)
  • Lachlan Sibir (2022-2023)
  • Zane Ratcliff (2024-)
  • Adoni Chessells (2024-)
  • Ryan St John (2024-)
  • Katelyn Bell (2024-)


  • Professor Alex Yeung - Emeritus Professor
  • Professor Janet Mooney – Emeritus Professor
  • Professor Bill Thompson - Adjunct Professor
  • Professor Ghil'ad Zuckermann - Adjunct Professor
  • Pat Anderson AO - Honorary Fellow
  • Dr Anthony Dillon - Honorary Research Fellow
  • Kurt Marder – Honorary Fellow
  • James Wilson-Miller - Honorary Doctorate
  • Anum Urooj
  • Bridget Booker
  • Catherine Hurley
  • Charlotte Knoester  
  • Chris Duncan  
  • Clive Haydon  
  • Courtney Baker  
  • Danling Huang  
  • Ella Tremaine  
  • Ewa Geba  
  • Farah Gulamoydeen    
  • Hamed Mogouie
  • Jane Boyle   
  • Jordan Woolley    
  • Kelly Ferber
  • Mark Doyle  
  • Michael Reynolds    
  • Mona Samad Zadeh 
  • Nouman Chaudhary
  • Nicola Cull  
  • Dr Rajeev Bhanot  
  • Rebecca Lozina
  • Roberta Vasconcellos  
  • Rola Zaki-Aboultaif  
  • Rory Darkins  
  • William Li


  • Dr Anne Ndaba
  • Dr Asghar Ahmadi
  • Dr Brooke Van Zanden
  • Dr Catherine Tikoft
  • Dr Darren Coppin
  • Dr Devan Antczak
  • Dr Diego Vasconcellos
  • Dr Elizabeth Davies
  • Dr Emma Bradshaw
  • Dr Emma Devine
  • Dr Geetanjali Basarkod
  • Dr Georgia Durmush
  • Dr James Conigrave
  • Dr James Donald
  • Dr Jane Lee
  • Dr Jasper Duineveld
  • Dr Jiesi Guo
  • Dr Katherine Owen
  • Dr Katrina Wilhite
  • Dr Levi Brackman
  • Dr Loch Forsyth
  • Dr Lucy Hobby
  • Dr Lynette Riley
  • Dr Marcus Horwood
  • Dr Mathew Pfeiffer
  • Dr Melissa Schellekens
  • Dr Michelle Kehoe
  • Dr Michelle Nemec
  • Dr Munirah Shaik Kadir
  • Dr Nathanial Kapsal
  • Dr Rhiannon Lee White
  • Dr Rob Brockman
  • Dr Rohan Perera
  • Dr Shiri Hergass
  • Dr Thomas Dornan
  • Dr Tsz Ying (Sylvia) Wong
  • Dr Vijay Kumar
  • Dr Wendy Gwyn

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Level 9 and 10, 33 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

Mailing address

PO Box 968
North Sydney NSW 2059