
Australia has a rich legacy of archives, art and artefacts, including 4 shipwrecks in WA, from its history of encounters with the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Through comparative research in Australian and overseas museums and archives we aim to situate Australian collections in a global context, creating new stories about Australia as part of the VOC global network. An interdisciplinary team will train 3 ECRs and 7 HDRs and forge partnerships with the Netherlands, England, Sweden, Indonesia and Malaysia, strengthening national capacity. Our analysis will enrich the value of collections, provide narratives for museums and sites, and revitalise content for international and domestic tourism market.


Australia Research Council Linkage Projects A$1,178,673.00



Research investigators

Professor Susan Broomhall, Gender and Women's History Research Centre, ACU

Dr Kristie Flannery, ACU

Dr Killian Quigley, ACU

Higher degree research candidates

Dondy Pepito II Ramos

Michael Reidy

Sumera Saleem

Research partners

University partners

Curtin University

Deakin University

Edith Cowan University

Flinders University

University of Western Australia (administering organisation) - Visit project website

Partner organisations

Australian National Maritime Museum

British Museum

Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Australia

Iziko Museums of South Africa

Kerry Stokes Collection

Moesgaard Museum

Museum Kaap Skil

National Archives of the Netherlands


State Library of NSW Foundation

Vasa Museum

Western Australian Museum

Other organisations

Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel

Gadjah Mada University

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Research status


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