Dr Kristie Patricia Flannery

Research Fellow
Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr Kristie Patricia Flannery

Areas of expertise: the Spanish Empire; empire and colonialism; migration; urban history; early modern Atlantic and Pacific worlds

HDR Supervisor accreditation status: Provisional

Email: Kristie.Flannery@acu.edu.au

Location: ACU Melbourne Campus

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9087-3048

Dr. Kristie Flannery is a research fellow in the Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Kristie grew up in Sydney and completed her MA and PhD in history at the University of Texas at Austin. She comes to ACU after a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

Kristie is an expert in the history of the global Spanish empire. She is the author of several journal articles and book chapters in edited volumes that have shaped the field. Her book, Piracy and the Making of the Spanish Pacific World, was published by the the University of Pennsylvania Press in 2024.

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Select publications


Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters

  • "The Global Seven Years War and the Road to Revolution" in (eds) Marjoleine Kars, Michael McDonnel, Andrew Schocket, The Cambridge History of the American Revolution (Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2024)
  • "The Seven Years' War in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires." Chap. 26 In The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years' War, edited by Trevor Burnard, Emma Hart and Marie Houllemare, 471-486. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.
  • "Other Agents of Empire in the Spanish Pacific World (1755)." Chap. 3 In The Spanish Pacific, 1521-1815, Volume 2: A Reader of Primary Sources, edited by Christina Lee and Ricardo Padrón, 65-72. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2024.
  • "Colonial Latin Asia? The Case for Incorporating the Philippines and the Spanish Pacific into Colonial Latin American Studies." Colonial Latin American Review Vol 32 (2023): 235-242 https://doi.org/10.1080/10609164.2023.2205233
  • "Scorched Earth: War and Losss in Manila and Luzon, 1762-1764." In The 1762 British Invasion of Spanish-Ruled Philippines: Beyond Imperial and National Imaginaries, edited by Maria Cristina Martinez Juan. Scorched Earth, 177-192. Philippines: National Historical Commission of the Philippines, 2024.
  • "The Spanish Pacific." In Oxford Bibliographies in Latin American Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press 2024.
    "Soldier, Sailor, Merchant, Spy: Foreigners in the Service of Spain's Asian Empire," in Ricardo Padrón and Christina Lee (eds) The Spanish Pacific, 1521-1815, Vol 2. (University of Amsterdam Press, 2023)
  • "Can the devil cross the deep blue sea? Imagining the Spanish Pacific and vast early America from below." The William and Mary Quarterly. Vol 79, No.1 (2022), pp. 31-60. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/847657
  • "The Transimperial Biography of Cesar Falliet: A Life Between Global Cities." Urban History, Vol. 48, N.3 (2021) 479-497. doi: 10.1017/S0963926820000474
  • With co-author Guillermo Ruíz-Stovel. "The Loyal Foreign Merchant Captain. Thome Gapsar de León and the Making of Manila's Intra-Asian Connections." Vergueta, Vol 20. (2020): 189-215.
  • "The Seven Years' War and the Globalization of Anglo-Iberian Imperial Entanglement: The View from Manila" in Jorge Cañizares Esguerra, ed., Entangled Empires: The Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 1500-1830s. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018), 236-254.
  • "A era global das revoluções e seus descontentamentos" in Jorge Canizares-Esguerra and Luiz Estevam de Oliveira Fernandes, eds, América na Primeira Modernidade, Vol 2 (Curitiba, Brasil: Prismas, 2018) pp. 279-31.
  • "Battlefield Diplomacy and Empire-building in the Early Modern Pacific World." Itinerario, Vol. 40, No. 3 (2016): 67-488.
  • "Prohibited Games, Prohibited People: Race, Gambling, and Segregation in Early Modern Manila," Newberry Essays in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Vol. 8 (2014), 81-92.

Selected fellowships, grants and awards

  • The Forum on Early-Modern Empires and Global Interactions (FEEGI) Article Prize (2023)
  • Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Mexico Section's Best Article in the Humanities Prize (2023)
  • Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) visiting research fellowship (2022)
  • UA-DAAD Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme with Susan Broomhall, Jessica O'Leary, Claudia Jarzebowski, Lisa Phongsavath, Joseph Biggerstaff (2023-2024)
  • ARC Linkage Grant for Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories. With multiple university and cultural institution partners. (2023-2026)
  • Australian Academy of the Humanities Research Travel Grant (2022)
  • Australian Academy of the Humanities Publication Subsidy Scheme (2021)
  • Outstanding Dissertation Award, best dissertation Humanities and Fine Arts, University of Texas at Austin (2020)
  • Lathrop Prize, best dissertation in History, University of Texas at Austin (2020)
  • Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship, Killam Foundation, Canada (2019)
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (2019)*declined
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Newberry Library (2019)*declined
  • University Continuing Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin (2017)
  • Bernadotte Schmitt Research Grant, The American Historical Association (2016)
  • Richard Maass Research Grant, The Manuscript Society (2016)
  • Center for New World Comparative Studies Fellowship, John Carter Brown Library *declined
  • Charles Montgomery Gray Fellowship, The Newberry Library (2015)
  • Mellon Summer Institute in Vernacular Paleography, The Huntington Library (2015)
  • Summer Land Institute Award, Cornell University (2015)
  • Paula Backscheider Archival Travel Award, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2015)
  • The History Project Research Grant, The Joint Center for History and Economics at Harvard University and University of Cambridge (2015)
  • Gunson Essay Prize in Pacific History, The Pacific History Association (2014)
  • Beca Teixidor, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (2014)
  • Helm Fellowship, The Lilly Library (2014)
  • M. Keck Foundation Fellowship, The Huntington Library (2014)
  • Scobie Award for Pre-Dissertation Research, Conference on Latin American History (2013)

Appointments and affiliations 

  • Member of the Global Urban History Project International Advisory Council
  • Affiliated Fellow, SFB 923 "Bedrohte Ordnungen" ("Threatened Orders" Research Collaborative Research Center), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Editorial roles

  • Editor-at-large, Toynbee History Prize Blog.

International journal review panel

  • Leading international peer-reviewed journals, including Itinerario and Environmental History.

Public engagement

  • "Disaster, opulence, and the merciless ocean: why the Titanic disaster continues to enthral", The Conversation (22 June 2023)
  • "Why Lent is the perfect time to spiritually prepare for revolution," The Conversation (22 March 2023)
  • "Swimming in the president's pool - palaces and power in times of crisis," The Conversation (13 July 2022)
  • With Sarah Bendall, "Madness, miscarriages, and incest: as in House of the Dragon, real-life royal families have seen it all throughout history", The Conversation (27 August 2022)
  • "European Royalty: Inspiration of the House of the Dragon." Podcast interview with 2ser
  • "Ferdinand Magellan's death 500 years ago…", The Conversation (2021)
  • Radio Interview about the quincentenary of Magellan's death, 2GB Radio, (2021)
  • "The Trans-Pacific Silver Trade and Early Modern Globalization," Fifteen Minute History Podcast Special (2016)
  • "The Trans-Pacific Slave Trade" [Podcast] Fifteen Minute History Podcast,Episode (2015)
  • "How a Little Person Became the Most Famous Filipino in Nineteenth-Century Britain", The Appendix, a journal of narrative and experimental history (2015).
  • Various book and film reviews, Not Even Past, notevenpast.com, 2012-2019
  • Instructor, ORIAS Summer Institute for K-12 teachers on Propaganda, UC Berkeley (2020)
  • Exhibition Co-curator, "Acapulco-Manila: The Galleon, Asia, and Latin America, 1565-1815". Benson Latin American Collection, Austin (2016); Mexican Consulate in Austin (2018)
  • "The Trans-Pacific Silver Trade and Early Modern Globalization", Podcast 15 Minute History (2016).


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