Unit rationale, description and aim

Speech pathologists provide support for adults who experience communication and swallowing difficulties as a result of acquired, progressive or lifelong conditions.  

This is the fourth of seven professional practice units. In this unit, students will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of learning models, including case-based learning and simulations, to apply their theoretical understanding and build their knowledge and skills in working with adults with communication and/or swallowing difficulties. Students will explore adult case scenarios, in which integration and application of knowledge is required to diagnose conditions and demonstrate effective intervention techniques. Students will participate in activities and experiences that will assist with the continued development of professional conduct, reflective practice and lifelong learning. They will progress towards being more independent in their professional practice skills, as well as further developing their identity and competence as a speech pathologist. 

The aim of this unit is to enable students to consolidate their knowledge and skills for supporting adults with acquired, progressive and/or lifelong communication and swallowing difficulties through scaffolded and simulated professional practice experiences. This will prepare students for subsequent professional practice experiences in a range of adult settings and enable them to recognise how these skills may transfer to different practice contexts. 

2025 10

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SPHY202 Language Disorders (Acquired) AND SPHY205 Motor Speech Disorders (Acquired) AND SPHY207 Speech Pathology Practice 2B

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

Demonstrate professional conduct, person-centred a...

Learning Outcome 01

Demonstrate professional conduct, person-centred and ethical practice to support service delivery for adults with communication and/or swallowing needs.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC1, GC3, GC4, GC7

Demonstrate application of theoretical knowledge a...

Learning Outcome 02

Demonstrate application of theoretical knowledge and skills to engage in evidence-based and culturally responsive assessment, diagnosis and intervention to support adults with communication and/or swallowing needs.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC1, GC2, GC4, GC8, GC9, GC11, GC12

Integrate feedback and critical reflection to guid...

Learning Outcome 03

Integrate feedback and critical reflection to guide professional practice and future learning across different practice areas, populations and contexts.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC1, GC2, GC7, GC8, GC9


Content is provided during class- based activities as well as during professional practice activities in simulated settings. 

Practice areas of focus:

Adult speech, language, and dysphagia


Professional conduct (Professional Standard 1)

  • Professional communication skills (information sharing and record-keeping)
  • Professional conduct and ethical behaviour (Scope of Practice and Code of Ethics)
  • Compliance with legislation, standards, policies and protocols (Fitness to Practice, ACU mandatory documentation and the Professional Practice Handbook)
  • Speech Pathology Australia standards, policies and practice guidelines related to adult clients/settings
  • Clinical reasoning, professionalism and lifelong learning across the adult range of practice areas
  • Person-centred care (adults)
  • Advocating for the adult client; advocating for the profession within adult service settings


Reflective Practice and Lifelong Learning (Professional Standard 2)

  • Transferability of skills to work in different professional practice environments with different age groups
  • Reflective practice; responding to feedback
  • Planning and evaluating learning goals


Speech Pathology Practice (Professional Standard 3)

  • Introduction to adult service settings and service models
  • Assessment, analysis, intervention planning with adult clients (including consideration of client, clinician, and contextual factors in planning and implementing evidence based adult client management)
  • Introduction to comorbidity within the adult range of practice areas
  • Application of the ICF to facilitate activity, participation, and quality of life across different areas of practice with adult populations

Assessment strategy and rationale

In this unit, students demonstrate their learning and skill development through a series of professional practice activities which include individual and small group tasks, online and face-to-face learning modules, simulations, peer learning and self-directed investigations. This unit has three assessment items that are pass/fail tasks. 

Assessment 1 is a dynamic, formative and summative assessment of professional and reflective skills, based on students' performance throughout their professional practice experience. This is a must pass assessment. This assessment occurs at two points in time (midway through placement and at the end of placement). The assessment will involve students self-evaluating their skills as part of a formative and summative discussion with their professional practice educator to provide evidence of skills, evaluate progress and update learning goals 

Assessment 2 is an oral viva assessment that includes demonstration of clinical reasoning and practical skills required to differentially diagnose and plan intervention for an adult with communication and/or swallowing needs. This is a must pass assessment. This assessment will allow for an equitable, whole of cohort, independent evaluation of students’ knowledge and skills in these areas. 

Assessment 3 is a critical reflection and professional development plan that requires students to demonstrate critical reflection of knowledge and skills and understanding of transferability of skills across practice areas and contexts. 

In order to pass this unit, students must demonstrate achievement of every learning outcome and achieve a pass in all assessment tasks. Students who fail Assessment 1 (professional practice assessment) will not be given a second attempt to pass this assessment. Students who fail Assessment 2 (viva) or Assessment 3 (reflective statement and professional development plan) will be offered one further attempt at the assessment. If students fail the second attempt, they will fail the unit. The assessment strategy in this unit is designed to enable students to demonstrate achievement of every unit learning outcome and essential professional knowledge and skills for safe and competent practice. 

Overview of assessments

Assessment 1: Professional practice assessment T...

Assessment 1: Professional practice assessment

This task enables student to demonstrating professional and ethical conduct, and provide evidence of clinical skill development and reflection. 


Ungraded Hurdle


Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3
Graduate Capabilities GC1, GC2, GC3, GC7, GC9, GC11, GC12
Standards PSSP 1.1, PSSP 1.2, PSSP 1.3, PSSP 1.4, PSSP 1.5, PSSP 1.6, PSSP 1.7, PSSP 2.1, PSSP 2.2, PSSP 2.3, PSSP 2.5, PSSP 2.6

Assessment 2: Oral Viva Students will respond i...

Assessment 2: Oral Viva

Students will respond individually to a case scenario(s) involving adults with communication and/or swallowing difficulties.


Ungraded Hurdle


Learning Outcomes LO2
Graduate Capabilities GC1, GC2, GC3, GC7, GC9, GC11, GC12
Standards PSSP 1.1, PSSP 1.2, PSSP 1.3, PSSP 1.4, PSSP 1.6, PSSP 3.2, PSSP 3.3, PSSP 3.4, PSSP 3.5

Assessment 3: Reflective Statement and Profession...

Assessment 3: Reflective Statement and Professional Development Plan

This task enables students to demonstrate critical reflection of knowledge and skills and transfer of skills across practice areas populations and contexts. 


Ungraded Hurdle


Learning Outcomes LO3
Graduate Capabilities GC1, GC2, GC3, GC7, GC9, GC11, GC12

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

Professional practice experiences can occur in a variety of contexts and modalities. This unit is based on a multimodal learning approach to closely replicate a ‘real world’ environment and the inherent breadth of working as a health professional. The unit consists of 150 hours of learning inclusive of online learning modules, workshops, simulations, and self-directed investigations. 

This unit provides an opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge to simulated situations whilst reflecting on and developing their professional identity, confidence and competence. University-based activities prepare students for their external professional practice experiences in a facilitated and supportive peer learning environment, scaffolding students’ readiness for future workplace experiences. Furthermore, this unit emphasises transfer of skills and knowledge across different professional practice settings and population groups, as well as professional conduct, reflective practice and life-long learning. 

Students will be exposed to a range of client presentations and professional practice scenarios, enabling diversity within the experiences of the cohort. Class based activities will ensure that students can share these learnings with one another, providing opportunities for practice using professional language, whilst furthering students’ understanding of their role, professional identity and practice contexts. 

Representative texts and references

Representative texts and references

Cook, K., Tillard, G., Wyles, C., Gerhard, D., Ormond, T., & McAuliffe, M. (2019). Assessing and developing the written reflective practice skills of speech-language pathology students. International Journal of Speech language Pathology, 21(1), 4-55. https://doi.org/10.1080/17549507.2017.1374463  

Hoffman, T., Bennett, S., & Del Mar, C. (2017). Evidence-based practice across the health professions (3rd ed.). Elsevier Australia.   

Roth, F. P., & Worthington, C. K. (2021). Treatment resource manual for speech-language pathology (6th edition.). Plural. 

Shipley, K. G., & McAfee, J. G. (2021). Assessment in speech-language pathology : a resource manual (6th edition.). Plural Publishing, Inc. 

Speech Pathology Australia. Code of Ethics. https://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/Public/Public/About-Us/Ethics-and-standards/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics.aspx?hkey=33c84f2c-2bf2-47b0-b201-d5f5616fb191 

Speech Pathology Australia. Professional Standards for Speech Pathologists in Australia. https://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/Public/Public/About-Us/Ethics-and-standards/Professional-standards/Professional-Standards.aspx?hkey=34af6d1a-2b96-411b-a4ed-90f0a8aae27c 

Speech Pathology Australia. Scope of Practice. https://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/Public/Public/About-Us/Ethics-and-standards/Scope-of-Practice.aspx?hkey=6e4daa08-aa40-4489-aede-f2faf685b4ef  

World Health Organisation. (2023). International classification of functioning, disability and health [online resource]. https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/international-classification-of-functioning-disability-and-health 

Credit points

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