The Australian Catholic University Limited (the University) is regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) which protects the privacy of your personal information. The purpose of this privacy statement is to let you know what information is collected about you, for what purpose, how the information is stored and used by the University, to whom it may be disclosed, and how to contact us to seek access to your personal information, correct your personal information or make a complaint.

Purpose of collection

The University collects personal information about you during the scholarship application process. We collect this information directly from you when you submit your application for a scholarship or correspond with us.

Intended use of information

Your personal information is recorded on the University's student database and a scholarship application system. University staff members responsible for the administration of the scholarship processes access and use your information for the following purposes:

  • considering your application for scholarship(s);
  • corresponding with you about whether you have been offered a scholarship;
  • recording your acceptance of a scholarship;
  • corresponding with you in relation to the scholarship process;
  • complying with legislative reporting requirements; and
  • confirming ongoing eligibility for a scholarship.

You are not required by law to supply us with your personal details for the above purposes, however, if you choose not to provide the information requested, it may not be possible for the University to consider you for a scholarship.

Disclosure of information to third parties

Your personal information may be disclosed to the following types of organisations:

  • external organisations such as former employers, secondary schools, other tertiary education institutions, and tertiary admission centres, where disclosure is necessary to verify your previous qualifications or experience or professional qualifications, in order to ensure the integrity of the scholarship process;
  • to the University's controlled entities for the purposes of providing University services to you;
  • State and Commonwealth Government departments and agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Centrelink, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, the Australian Privacy Commissioner, and the Commonwealth Ombudsman or their equivalent or replacement entity;
  • service providers and consultants such as banks, mailing houses, logistics and IT and software service providers whom the University engages to enable your access to the University's services and facilities on offer;
  • to government departments and agencies and their appointed third party providers for the purposes of administering University related surveys and for other lawful purposes;
  • in the event of a crisis requiring urgent attention, police, medical or hospital personnel, your nominated emergency contact person and other personnel as is necessary to respond to the emergency; and
  • IT service providers who may (or use third party hosting providers that may) store data outside Australia or in the 'cloud'. The scholarship application system is hosted by a third-party service provider with the data centre located in Canada. When the University discloses your information to overseas recipients, it takes measures to ensure those recipients treat your information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.
  • to external scholarship donors. Donors may be involved in the selection process and will be notified of the successful applicant.

The University will not otherwise disclose your information without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

Security of your information

Your information may be collected and held in a variety of ways including electronic, online, written form or by verbal means. The University protects your information from unauthorised access loss and other misuse by allowing only restricted access to authorised personnel to your information. Security measures in place to protect the confidentiality, accuracy, completeness and access to your information are set out in the University’s Privacy Policy.

Consequences of refusing

You are not required by law to provide us with your personal details for the above purposes, however, if you choose not to provide the information requested, it may not be possible for the University to consider your scholarship application, allow you to access services to which you are entitled or expect to receive, including admission at the University.

Access, amendments and contact details

You have a right to access personal information that the University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, contact the Privacy Coordinator by email at This privacy collection notice applies to all methods by which the University collects your personal information including by electronic or verbal means or in written form.

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