The ACU Centre for Liturgy provides parishes and deaneries throughout Australia with specialised training and formation workshops, as well as a range of short courses.

"Mass cannot merely be listened to, as if we were just spectators of something that slips away without our involvement. Mass is always celebrated, and not only by the priest who presides it, but by all Christians who experience it. And the centre is Christ! All of us, in the diversity of gifts and ministries, join in his action, because he, Christ, is the Protagonist of the liturgy."
Pope Francis
General Audience 3 February 2021

Become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion - online training program

Effective liturgical celebrations require well-formed liturgical ministers to serve the needs of the assembly. Our comprehensive online training program will prepare you to offer your gifts for the glory of God and the benefit of your local community.

Created by leading Australian liturgy specialists, this five-week program fosters and develops knowledgeable, well-prepared, highly skilled and hospitable Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. High-quality content is presented in an innovative and engaging way, and it offers quality liturgical formation in a supportive environment - no matter the size or location of your faith community.

Download the flyer

While this program is designed for new ministers, those with many years of ministry have found it to be an outstanding way to refresh their skills and deepen their understanding of the liturgy.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certificate of completion from the ACU Centre for Liturgy. This program is supported by the Bishops Commission for Liturgy of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

The next EMHC online training program will start on 16 October 2024.

To find out more and start the registration process go here

"It was such a interesting and valuable course to complete. This should be a mandatory course for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion."
Paul, Melbourne
EMHC online Training Program

"There are so many areas of my faith that are taking on new meaning, additionally how the Holy Mass is celebrated, how it is so beautifully structured, many of the actions by the priest and procedures I have just previously accepted and taken for granted."

David, NSW
EMHC online training program

Ministers of the Word - online training program

The Word of God, effectively proclaimed, transforms believers. Well-formed ministers are essential for the proclamation of the Word of God. Ministers of the Word become vessels of the Holy Spirit as they place their gifts at the service of the local community.

This four-week training program for Ministers of the Word has been created by Australian liturgy specialists in order to foster and develop the skills of new and existing ministers. The online program features quality liturgical content and offers practical exercises in a supportive and engaging environment. The comprehensive program is suitable for members of all communities, city or regional, large or small, school or parish.

Download the flyer

While this program is designed for new ministers, those with many years of ministry have found it to be an outstanding way to refresh their skills and deepen their understanding of the liturgy.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a certificate of completion from the ACU Centre for Liturgy. This program is supported by the Bishops Commission for Liturgy of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

The next online training program will commence on 24 February 2025 and will include preparing Ministers of the Word for the Easter Triduum.

To find out more and start the registration process go here.

Watch the video to learn more about our training program

"It would be hard to imagine a better program"

"I found this ACU course to be very engaging and thought provoking and had no trouble logging on or navigating my way around the content." 

Bob and Margaret, Rural NSW
Ministers of the Word training program

Pastoral formation days on demand

The Christian's Final Journey

This formation and professional learning program is designed for Roman Catholic clergy, funeral directors, parish pastoral care and frontline staff (including pastoral associates, parish secretaries, youth ministers and family faith educators), teachers, APREs and school staff, and anyone interested in learning more about how Catholics prepare and celebrate funerals.

The Pastoral Formation Day investigates Catholic practices around burial and cremation, how to support those who grieve, and includes an opportunity to prepare a Catholic funeral for yourself or another person. It will facilitate a conversation between clergy and funeral directors, incorporating problem-solving, sharing experiences, and identifying best practice for Catholic funerals informed by expert advice.

Session 1: Dying, death and rites for the Journey to New Life

Session 2a: Celebrating the Order of Christian Funerals

Session 2b: Clergy and funeral directors working cooperatively (professional learning)

Session 3: Do's and don'ts of Catholic funerals: identifying best practice

Session 4: Planning your funeral 

Clare was great – engaging, knowledgeable and consistent.”
Funeral Director, Geelong VIC
"All topics were informative and enlightening. I learnt a LOT of things I did not know about Catholic Funerals. "
Sydney, NSW

Be not afraid: preparing and celebrating sacraments of healing

What Christians believe about sickness and sacramental healing becomes especially important when we are confronted with serious illness or the danger of death. The Catholic sacraments of healing exist to strengthen those who are being tried by illness or impairment, bodily or spiritual. Within the church’s pastoral approach to healing and caring for the sick, the Sacrament of Anointing raises up the sick person and strengthens their soul to sustain them while they are ill or approaching death. The Sacrament of Penance offers the opportunity to heal relationships with God, those who have been wronged, and the church community, while the Sacrament of Eucharist nourishes the sick person on their journey.

This pastoral formation day investigates Catholic beliefs about the healing power of prayer and sacraments.  It looks at how we celebrate the healing brought about by reconciliation and forgiveness.  Priests experienced in administering the sacraments of healing discuss how they care for the sick spiritually and sacramentally. All participants will engage in a consideration of how lay people can care for the sick by visiting them, and offering comfort, assistance and prayer. The day concludes with an exploration of Viaticum and how to minister Communion to the sick.

Session 1: What do Catholics believe about Sacraments of Healing: Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick?

Session 2: How do Catholics celebrate reconciliation and forgiveness?

Session 3: How do priests, deacons and lay ministers care for the sick?

Session 4: Learn about Viaticum and how to minister Communion to the sick.

"The day was very informative, with much to take back to the parish to share"
Rural Vic

Our workshops

Our specialised training and formation workshops focus on a variety of topics, including:

Training parish ministers

Speaking Awesome Words Lector Training 

The ministry of Lector requires skill and practice so that the word of God is brought to life in the liturgy. The ACU Centre for Liturgy offers parishes a two-hour interactive workshop which provides current and aspiring lectors with techniques for effective proclamation.

Download flyer (PDF, 3.6MB)

Speaking Awesome Words II: Lector Training

The Lector masterclass supports and challenges experienced Lectors to fine-tune their proclamation skills.

Download flyer (PDF, 3.6MB)


Register your interest

“The workshop was informative, inspirational and interesting”. “All good, well structured, right amount of time.”
Pambula, NSW / Speaking Awesome Words

Our training programs for other parish ministers 

  • The Ministry of Cantor
  • Accompanying the assembly’s worship
  • How to choose ‘good’ liturgical music
  • How to engage the assembly in song
  • Serving the People of God in Gladness: Lay Liturgical Ministry
  • How we do what we do matters! Exploring the ars celebrandi in parish liturgies
  • No longer two, but one: preparing to celebrate your Catholic marriage
  • Born anew by water and spirit: preparing for your child’s baptism
  • It’s about time! Understanding the liturgical year

Interested in our programs ?

Register your interest

Information about fees

ACU Centre for Liturgy charges fees for its programs and services, operating on a not-for-profit basis consistent with ACU’s constitution. We are committed to providing our services at a reasonable rate.

Download Information About Fees (PDF, 134 KB)

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