Unit rationale, description and aim

In higher education, it is important that academics and learning and teaching (L&T) professionals (such as Academic Skills Advisers, Librarians, Placement supervisors etc.) continuously reflect on their practice to improve the student experience. To do so, these tertiary educators need to combine an advanced knowledge of learning and teaching concepts and theories with skills of critical reflection and draw on the scholarship of learning and teaching in higher education to evidence their practice. This microcredential aims at students’ teaching or L&T professional practice through the consideration and application of scholarly theories and concepts, and the needs and circumstances of higher education students. Other considerations also include the institution’s Mission and its teaching and learning policies, teaching standards frameworks, and other governance requirements in the higher education sector. 

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  • Professional Term 2Online Unscheduled
  • Professional Term 4Online Unscheduled
  • Professional Term 5Online Unscheduled
  • Professional Term 8Online Unscheduled


UNMC510 Foundations for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

Apply strategies of reflection and learning and te...

Learning Outcome 01

Apply strategies of reflection and learning and teaching concepts and theories to the practice area in which the student is engaged
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC1, GC2, GC3, GC7, GC9, GC11

Develop engaging learning and teaching experiences...

Learning Outcome 02

Develop engaging learning and teaching experiences responsive to student diversity and justified by learning and teaching concepts and theories.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC1, GC2, GC8, GC11


Topics will include: 

  • theoretical and ethical perspectives on adult learning and teaching in higher education  
  • the diverse needs of adult learners  
  • different conceptions of knowledge (including Indigenous Knowings and internationalisation) 
  • aligning adult learning activities, learning outcomes, and assessment  
  • preparing students for work and life 
  • reflecting on and reviewing practice: for example, online learning, peer observation and review of teaching, team teaching, problem-based and inquiry-based learning, universal design of learning, supporting learning and teaching, mentoring, or supervising. 
  • working with university policies and procedures and strategic priorities for learning and teaching 
  • applying the scholarship of learning and teaching

Assessment strategy and rationale

The assessment strategy in this microcredential consists of one formative assessment task and one summative assessment task. The tasks provide a developmental sequence that supports the microcredential rationale and description and ensures it assesses the stated learning outcomes.

The first assessment task provides an initial learning opportunity and assists to embed declarative knowledge by explaining a students’ practice by drawing on and applying learning and teaching theories and concepts and the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF). This task assesses learning outcome number 1.   

The summative assessment extends the thinking from the formative task by considering how to change and/or improve the practice(s) outlined in the formative task. This task allows students to apply their understanding of the interrelationships between learning and teaching theories and concepts related to their practice(s). This task relates mostly to the achievement of learning outcome number 2, but builds on learning outcome 1, and assesses both.  

This microcredential is graded. To pass, students are required to demonstrate a passing standard (or better) for the summative assessment task.

Overview of assessments

Assessment Task 1: Formative assessment &nbs...

Assessment Task 1: Formative assessment 

Students apply strategies from scholarly learning and teaching theories and concepts to their teaching or learning and teaching professional practice.


For feedback

Learning Outcomes LO1
Graduate Capabilities GC1, GC2, GC3, GC7, GC9, GC11

Assessment Task 2: Summative assessment &nbs...

Assessment Task 2: Summative assessment 

Extends the formative task by requiring students to design and implement an effective learning and teaching activity or activities.



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2
Graduate Capabilities GC1, GC2, GC3, GC7, GC8, GC9, GC11

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

The intended audience for this microcredential is higher education academics and learning and teaching (L&T) professionals (such as Academic Skills Advisors, Librarians, Placement Supervisors etc.) whose geographical location is widespread, all of whom are qualified with at least one higher education degree. These academics and professionals have expertise that collectively spans the full range of disciplines taught by a university. This microcredential respects the range of experience in this cohort and respond in a manner that assists reflection upon teaching or upon L&T professional practice, informed by teaching foundations, the needs and circumstances of their students, institutional mission and policies, and other governance requirements in the higher education sector.

This microcredential is delivered asynchronously, capitalising on the maturity and capability of the students, providing equitable access to a full provision of learning experiences within which a community of scholars can be developed. It is structured as a progressive, constructive, developmental sequence that supports learning in a scaffolded learning trajectory. It is structured as a progressive, constructive, developmental narrative that supports learning through a scaffolded learning trajectory. 

Representative texts and references

Representative texts and references

Biggs, J. B., Tang, C., & Kennedy, G. (2022). Teaching for Quality Learning at University (5th ed.). London: McGraw-Hill Education.  

Børte, K., Nesje, K., & Lillejord, S. (2020). Barriers to student active learning in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 28(3), 597–615. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2020.1839746.

Brookfield, S. D. (2017). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. John Wiley & Sons.  

Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE bulletin, 3, 7.

Christie, M., & Asmar, C. (2021). Indigenous knowers and knowledge in university teaching. In University Teaching in Focus (pp. 260-284). Routledge.  

Clark, R., Kirschner, P. A., & Sweller, J. (2012). Putting students on the path to learning: The case for fully guided instruction. American educator, 36(1), 5-11.

Cook, B., Whatman, S. & Sammel, A. (2023). First Peoples’ perspectives on successful engagement at university: What keeps students coming back to Indigenous education units?, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 52(1). doi 10.55146/ajie.v52i1.28.

Entwistle, N. (2009). Teaching for understanding at university: Deep approaches and distinctive ways of thinking (Universities into the 21st century). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.  

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., & Marshall, S. (2008). A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education: Enhancing academic practice. London: Routledge. 

Gravett, K., Taylor, C. A., & Fairchild, N. (2021). Pedagogies of mattering: re-conceptualising relational pedagogies in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 29(2), 388–403. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2021.1989580.

Hall, T. E., Meyer, A., & Rose, D. H. (Eds.). (2012). Universal design for learning in the classroom: Practical applications. Guilford press.

Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Duncan, R. G., & Chinn, C. A. (2007). Scaffolding and achievement in problem-based and inquiry learning: A response to Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006). Educational psychologist42(2), 99-107. 

Huitt, W. (2011). Bloom et al.'s taxonomy of the cognitive domain. Educational psychology interactive22

Hunt, L., & Chalmers, D. (Eds.) (2013). University teaching in focus: a learning-centred approach. Routledge, London. 

Knowles, M., Holton III, EF., & Swanson, R A. (2015). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Taylor and Francis. 

Kolb, A.Y., Kolb, D.A., Passarelli, A., & Sharma, G. (2014). On becoming an experiential educator: The educator role profile. Simulation and Gaming, 45(2), 204-234.  

Light, G., Calkins, S., & Cox, R. (2009). Learning and teaching in higher education: The reflective professional. Sage. 

Mackinlay, E., & Barney, K. (2014). Unknown and Unknowing Possibilities: Transformative Learning, Social Justice, and Decolonising Pedagogy in Indigenous Australian Studies. Journal of Transformative Education, 12(1), 54-73. https://doi.org/10.1177/1541344614541170

Marshall, C. (1991). Teachers' learning styles: How they affect student learning. The Clearing House, 64(4), 225-227.

McLoughlin, C., & Oliver, R. (2000). Designing learning environments for cultural inclusivity: A case study of indigenous online learning at tertiary level. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1), 58–72.

Merriam, S. B., & Bierema, L. L. (2013). Adult learning: Linking theory and practice. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. 

Mezirow, J. (2000). Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.  

Naujokaitienė, J., Tamoliūnė, G., Volungevičienė, A., & Duart, J. M. (2020). Using learning analytics to engage students: Improving teaching practices through informed interactions. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 9(2), 231-244. doi: 10.7821/naer.2020.7.561

Potter, M. K., & Kustra, E. (2012). A primer on learning outcomes and the SOLO taxonomy. Course Design for Constructive Alignment, 1-22. 

Prosser, M., & Trigwell, K. (2014). Qualitative variation in approaches to university teaching and learning in large first-year classes. Higher Education67, 783-795. 

Race, P. (2014). Making learning happen: A guide for post-compulsory education. London: Sage Publication. 

Richardson, J. T. (2015). Approaches to learning or levels of processing: what did Marton and Säljö (1976a) really say? the legacy of the work of the Göteborg Group in the 1970s. Interchange, 46, 239-269.Stewart, M. (2012). Understanding learning: Theories and Critique. Ch 1 in Lynne Hunt and Denise Chalmers (Eds), University Teaching in Focus: A learning-centred approach. ACER Press. p3-20. 

Tanner, M., & Scott, E. (2015). A flipped classroom approach to teaching systems analysis, design and implementation. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research14, 219-241. 

Wayan K. Y. (2020). Multimedia learning theory. In J. Egbert & M. Roe (Eds.), Theoretical models for teaching and research.  PressBooks. https://opentext.wsu.edu/theoreticalmodelsforteachingandresearch/chapter/multimedia-learning-theory/

Credit points

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