Unit rationale, description and aim

Occupational therapists need to understand people as individuals within their social systems and the influence of sociological factors on their health and participation. In this unit students will learn about the social determinants of First Peoples' health and wellbeing. Students will reflect on and develop their capacity as culturally responsive health care practitioners and examine culturally safe and responsive health care delivery from First Peoples' perspectives. This will also enhance students’ responsiveness to work with people from a range of cultural backgrounds.

Students will draw on their learning from first year units and undertake cultural activities and community engagement experiences. These experiences are central to the development of cultural responsiveness and professional practice skills and forms part of the 1000 hours of professional practice experience required to graduate as an occupational therapist.

This unit contains five learning outcomes from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework (HCF, 2014) specifically addressing the HCF cultural capabilities of Respect (for LO1), Communicate (for LOs 2 &3), and Reflect (LO4) and Advocate (for LO5).

The overall aim of this unit is to provide students with knowledge, understanding and skills needed to analyse sociological and occupational determinants of First Peoples’ health and well-being and develop their cultural responsiveness to support future practice.

2025 10

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OTHY101 Health and Occupation AND OTHY108 Evidence-Based Practice and Health Conditions AND (UNCC100 Self and Community: Exploring the Anatomy of Modern Society OR PHCC102 Being Human OR PHCC104 Ethics and the Good Life )

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

HCF 1.2 Analyse the impact of historical events on...

Learning Outcome 01

HCF 1.2 Analyse the impact of historical events on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and health service access, and the implications of these events on building trust and relationships with individuals, families and communities in health practice.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

HCF 3.2 Examine key elements attributed to cultura...

Learning Outcome 02

HCF 3.2 Examine key elements attributed to cultural beliefs and practices within the local context (e.g. kinship, reciprocity)
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

HCF 6.2 Analyse differences between own verbal and...

Learning Outcome 03

HCF 6.2 Analyse differences between own verbal and non-verbal communication and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, and the implications for health care
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

HCF 11.2 Analyse the limitations of one’s own pers...

Learning Outcome 04

HCF 11.2 Analyse the limitations of one’s own perspectives and reflect upon the implications of one’s own worldview for delivering culturally safe health care service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

HCF 16.1 Discuss the concept of social determinant...

Learning Outcome 05

HCF 16.1 Discuss the concept of social determinants and the impacts on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12


Topics will include:

Sociological analysis

  • To analyse social determinants of health
  • Reflective practices
  • Critical thinking
  • Social change

Cultural responsiveness

  • First People's health and wellbeing from a sociological, political and historical perspective
  • Health and well-being from a cultural perspective
  • Culturally capable practices in health care delivery

Health and well-being

  • Connection, disconnection and building connections
  • Protective factors
  • Risk factors
  • Community self-determination

Occupational perspectives of health and well-being

  • Models of practice
  • Social factors impacting occupational roles and participation
  • Occupational roles and participation linked to health, illness, disability and disadvantage
  • Occupational justice

Evidence based practice

  • Sources of knowledge
  • Locating and understanding relevant research
  • Community Engagement experience

Assessment strategy and rationale

Assessment approaches in this unit have been developed in collaboration with First Peoples’ Cultural Advisors. The assessments in this unit are designed to help students monitor the development of their cultural responsiveness and integrate the theoretical learning about the social determinants of health and well-being with their community engagement experiences.

Assessment 1 requires students to use journal entries to reflect on their own perspectives and worldview as they progress through the unit and to consider the implications for delivering health care that builds trust and relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities. For Assessment 2 students have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of social determinants impacting the health and well-being of First Peoples by engaging with the stories of First Peoples in their local communities. Students will work with cultural mentors during tutorial time to prepare their presentations and then subsequently present the material in front of the mentor. This process is designed to provide a safe space for students to ask questions and seek cultural guidance from the mentors as well as take responsibility for delivering the material in a culturally respectful manner. The assessments in this unit are designed to provide formative opportunities, interactions with classmates, mentors and tutors, and opportunities to gradually deepen their reflective skills and the learning that comes with this.

Students will undertake a cultural activities and community engagement experience as an ungraded hurdle requirement for this unit (Hurdle 1). To attend community engagement students must have mandatory compliance in place and attend the orientation session. At the completion of OTHY211 a timesheet detailing the approved cultural activities and community engagement experiences undertaken must be uploaded to Canvas. Professional practice hours are accrued from the community engagement experience and cultural activities. Students are allowed one attempt to pass the community engagement hurdle (Hurdle 1).

Students must submit special consideration for absences beyond 20% of missed classes as this unit uses Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander active learning approaches requiring in-person participation. Students who are absent for more than 20% of classes will be at risk of failing the unit as the learning outcomes will not be able to be achieved (Hurdle 2).

Students must pass Assessment 1 and will be permitted one further attempt to pass Assessment 1 if they have achieved an overall grade above 50% for the unit. Thus, in order to pass this unit students must demonstrate achievement of every learning outcome, obtain a minimum mark of 50% for the unit and pass the hurdle tasks.

Overview of assessments

Assessment 1: Journal : Enables students to refl...

Assessment 1: Journal :

Enables students to reflect on their own perspectives and worldview and the implications for delivering health care that builds trust and relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities.


Part A 20%

Part B 40%

Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

Assessment 2: Group Oral Presentation Students d...

Assessment 2: Group Oral Presentation

Students develop oral presentation and group-work skills by working in groups to present the determinants of health from a First Australian perspective engaging with the stories of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders in their local communities.



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

Hurdle 1 . Completion of community engagement ori...

Hurdle 1. Completion of community engagement orientation session, attendance and participation in cultural activities, participation in community engagement learning, and submission of community engagement the required timesheet.



Learning Outcomes LO2
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

Hurdle 2 . Attendance at a minimum of 80% of week...

Hurdle 2. Attendance at a minimum of 80% of weekly workshops.



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

Hurdle 3 . Students must pass Assessment 1 Journa...

Hurdle 3. Students must pass Assessment 1 Journal to receive a pass grade (or higher) for this unit.



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC12

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

Learning and Teaching approaches included in this unit were developed in collaboration with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Advisors. This unit uses Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander active learning approaches, such as yarning circles, to support students in the exploration of the essential knowledge and skills associated with sociological analysis and cultural responsiveness. Students are required to attend classes co-facilitated by Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff to participate in the construction and synthesis of this knowledge and skills with other students in order to meet each of the learning outcomes. This will enable the development of a level of understanding needed to work with people from different social and cultural backgrounds through focusing on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders' health and wellbeing. Students are required to complete community engagement with a community organisation. This approach allows for fundamental knowledge and skill development with expert support.

Australian occupational therapy competency standards (AOTCS) 2018

The Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Course is a professional program that requires development of particular attributes for accreditation purposes.

These are also included in the Learning Outcomes. You will work towards achieving the following Occupational Therapy Australia Competency Standards in this unit:


Standards/Attributes/CriteriaLearning Outcomes

Standard 1 - Professionalism 

An occupational therapist practises in an ethical, safe, lawful and accountable manner, supporting client health and wellbeing through occupation and consideration of the person and their environment.

An occupational therapist:

1.1 complies with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia’s standards, guidelines and Code of conduct

1.2 adheres to legislation relevant to practice

1.3 maintains professional boundaries in all client and professional relationships

1.4 recognises and manages conflicts of interest in all client and professional


1.5 practises in a culturally responsive and culturally safe manner, with particular respect to culturally diverse client groups

1.6 incorporates and responds to historical, political, cultural, societal, environmental and economic factors influencing health, wellbeing and occupations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

1.7 collaborates and consults ethically and responsibly for effective client-centred and interprofessional practice

1.8 adheres to all work health and safety, and quality requirements for practice

1.9 identifies and manages the influence of her/his values and culture on practice

1.10 practises within limits of her/his own level of competence and expertise

1.11 maintains professional competence and adapts to change in practice contexts

1.12 identifies and uses relevant professional and operational support and supervision

1.13 manages resources, time and workload accountably and effectively

1.14 recognises and manages her/his own physical and mental health for safe,

professional practice

1.15 addresses issues of occupational justice in practice

1.17 recognises and manages any inherent power imbalance in relationships with clients.

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

Standard 2 - Knowledge and learning 

An occupational therapist’s knowledge, skills and behaviours in practice are informed by relevant and contemporary theory, practice knowledge and evidence, and are maintained and developed by ongoing professional development and learning.

An occupational therapist:

2.1 applies current and evidence-informed knowledge of occupational therapy and other appropriate and relevant theory in practice

2.4 understands and responds to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

philosophies, leadership, research and practices

2.5 maintains current knowledge for cultural responsiveness to all groups in the

practice setting

2.8 reflects on practice to inform current and future reasoning and decision-making and the integration of theory and evidence into practice

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

Standard 3 - Occupational therapy process and practice 

An occupational therapist’s practice acknowledges the relationship between health, wellbeing and human occupation, and their practice is client-centred for individuals, groups, communities and populations.

An occupational therapist:

3.1 addresses occupational performance and participation of clients, identifying the enablers and barriers to engagement

3.5 selects and implements culturally responsive and safe practice strategies to suit the occupational therapy goals and environment of the client

3.6 seeks to understand and incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ experiences of health, wellbeing and occupations encompassing cultural connections

3.7 reflects on practice to inform and communicate professional reasoning and


3.8 identifies and uses practice guidelines and protocols suitable to the practice setting or work environment

3.11 evaluates client and service outcomes to inform future practice

3.12 uses effective collaborative, multidisciplinary and interprofessional approaches for decision-making and planning

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

Standard 4 - Communication 

Occupational therapists practise with open, responsive and appropriate communication to maximise the occupational performance and engagement of clients and relevant others.

An occupational therapist:

4.1 communicates openly, respectfully and effectively

4.2 adapts written, verbal and non-verbal communication appropriate to the client and practice context

4.3 works ethically with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and

organisations to understand and incorporate relevant cultural protocols and

communication strategies, with the aim of working to support self-governance in communities

4.4 uses culturally responsive, safe and relevant communication tools and strategies

4.8 maintains collaborative professional relationships with clients, health professionals and relevant others

4.10 seeks and responds to feedback, modifying communication and/or practice accordingly, and

4.11 identifies and articulates the rationale for practice to clients and relevant others.

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

Representative texts and references

Representative texts and references

https://www.8ways.online/ https://www.virtuallibrary.info/the-aboriginal-8-ways-of-learning-pedagogy.html

Carson, B., Dunbar, T., Chenhall, R.D., & Bailie, R. (2007). Social determinants of Indigenous health. Allen and Unwin.

Duckett. (2022). The Australian health care system (Sixth edition.). Oxford University Press.

Dudgeon, P., Milroy, H., & Walker, R. (2014). Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice. Telethon Kids Institute, Kulunga Aboriginal Research Development Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Australia).

Germov, J. (Ed.). (2019). Second opinion: An introduction to health sociology (6th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Helman, C., (2007). Culture, health and illness (5th ed.). Hodder Arnold.

Iwama, M. (2006). The Kawa Model: Culturally relevant occupational therapy. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.

Kelleher, H. & MacDougall, C. (Ed.). (2021). Understanding Health. (5th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Morseu-Diop, N. (2017) Healing in Justice. Magpie Goose Publishing.

Credit points

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